WED 092116

WHAT??!! nothing fo sure but felt like posting something. Stuff I have in my head. Keep bending that bar!!

*Warm up: 5 Slow Rounds:
10 Barbell Good-mornings (Lightweight)
10 Back-rack Walking Lunges
ME Chest to Bar (CTB)

1) Clean & Jerk 1 RM

2) Overhead Squat 1RM

3) “Grace” – 30 C&J @ 135

4) AMRAP 12 Minutes:
Row 250m
10 Muscle-ups
Row 250m
10 Thrusters 135/95

Thursday 7/14/16

Hey Guys…

I hope you all have been enjoying the programming thus far. I’ve seen some fantastic growth in strength, endurance and not just the physical but mentally as well.

In the last year and a half we had athletes rank in the top of their respected leader boards during the CrossFit Open.

My home box, TVC is growing which is great but with that comes more responsibility. My focus is to my members/athletes and to provided them with the best experience, training and care I can give them.

It’s with a sadden heart I announce I will freeze programming and posting here on IronGrip Training System. Tomorrow’s post will be the last post for now. I will commence at soon as possible and will occasionally post on IG Fitness articles.

You can still find my programming under TVC website and even come in and join our new TVC Barbell Club.

For all you faithful IronGrip Warriors. Thank you for your support. Keep bending that iron and feel free to hit me up if you have questions.

Thank You
Coach Mitch

Wednesday 7/13/16

1) 5×3 – Clean from blocks (just above knee)
2) 5×3 – BTN Jerk from blocks (drop every rep)

1a) 4X3 Bench Press – work up to a 3 rep set, rest 90 sec.
1b) 4XME Tempo Strict TTB (3 counts on descent of legs) – rest 90 sec.

10 T2B
30 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
30 Push ups
20 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
20 Push ups
10 T2B
20 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
20 Push ups
30 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
30 Push ups
10 T2B

Deadlift 275/185lbs
Assault Bike Calories

30 ALT DB Snatch 55#/35# (15L/15R)
30 OH Walking Lunges (95/65)
*Rest 2 minutes
20 ALT DB Snatch 55#/35#(10L/10R)
20 Front Rack Walking Lunges (95/65)
*Rest 1 minutes
10 ALT DB Snatch 55#/35#(5L/5R)
10 Back Rack Walking Lunges (95/65)
*Rest 30 seconds
ME ALT DB Snatch 55#/35# (in 1 set)

Tuesday 7/12/16

5×3 – Snatch (full) – @75%
Start somewhere near 70% of your 1RM from the floor based on feel then work up if it feels fast. Work on unbroken reps, but do not fail based on grip. If you have to drop and reset, just do it quickly. This work is based on being very patient until power position and then using drive extension and speed to get under the bar. Learn to move yourself around the bar rather than trying so hard to move the bar.

5×3 – Back Squat – 3@75%, 3@80%, 3@85%, 3@90%, 3@90%

1k Row
100 Hang Snatches 45/35#
100 Double-Unders
1 mile Run

5 Rounds:
ME OHS 135/95# in 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
ME pull-ups in 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds

10 Rounds:
10 CAL Bike
8 Lateral Burpees over bar
Rest 30 seconds

Monday 7/11/16

1) Squat Clean 12×1 @80%
2) Jerk from blocks: 6×1 @85%

1) 5X3 – BTN Push Press (Clean grip) – AHAP
2) 3×7 – Strict Pull ups

3 Rounds:
25 Double Kettlebell Front Squat 53/35
25 GHD Sit ups

3 Rounds
Run 400m
10 Muscle-ups
*Rest 2 minutes